Windha Mega
Assalamu'alaiukum Warrakhmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Baru belajar nulis ni. Tapi mudah-mudahan bermanfaat!
Daripada membahas pemerintahan, yang ada hanya mengeluhkan tanpa bisa melakukan apa-apa. Ijinkan saya untuk berbagi sedikit pemahaman tentang shalat dhuha. Harapannya setelah membaca tulisan ini, kita dapat memperbaiki kualitas hidup kita.
Isi dari tulisan ini adalah rangkuman dari hasil mendengarkan tausiah Ustad Yusuf Mansur. Yang berjudul "Fadilah Shalat Dhuha".

"Tak Kenal Maka Tak Sayang"
sebelum membahas panjang x lebar tentang shalat dhuha, kita harus tahu terlebih dahulu sifat shalat dhuha. Sifat shalat dhuha adalah Sunah Muakadah, yaitu Sunah yang mendekati wajib dan sangat dianjurkan! Jika ditinggalkan akan berpengaruh pada kualitas hidup kita (kesehatan, nasib, rejeki kita).

Shalat sunah muakadah itu ibarat burung.
- burung yang mempunyai sayap tapi tidak terbang namanya burung males
- burung yang tidak tahu kalau dia punya sayap namanya burung "bodoh" (menempel di badan, tapi tidak tahu fungsinya)
burung yang mempunyai kedua sifat itu, tentu dia tidak akan pernah bisa terbang.
Sayapnya shalat itulah shalat muakadah (pasangan shalat wajib), diantaranya dhuha,rawatib qabliyah & ba'diah.
Dengan shalat sunah muakadah inilah kita dapat terbang, meraih nikmat & rejeki yang telah Allah SWT persiapkan untuk kita.

Mengapa selama ini kita tidak terbiasa dhuha?? ada 2 alasan yang menjadi penyebabnya, yaitu:
1. karena kita tidak mengetahui fadilah dhuha
2. karena kita tidak terbiasa shalat dhuha. Semua dimulai dengan membiasakan.
Selama ini, lingkungan kita mengajarkan bahwa sunah itu diartikan "Perbuatan yang apabila dikerjakan berpahala, dan apabila ditinggal tdk mengapa".
Kata "tidak mengapa" inilah yang membuat kita menanggapinya dengan santai dan seenaknya. Terbiasa menjadi pribadi yang serba pas-pas an dan menjadi terbiasa untuk meninggalkan segala perbuatan-perbuatan yang bersifat sunah.
Alhasil kita adalah orang yang tidak terbiasa melaksanakan shalat dhuha.

Dhuha adalah penutup hutang kita kepada Allah atas ruh yang telah Allah titipkan dalam badan ini, atas semua nikmat yang telah Allah berikan kepada kita.
Contohnya: jika kita menghirup udara melalui tabung oksigen rumah sakit, berapa uang yang harus kita keluarkan untuk membayarnya seumur hidup kita?
Pada kenyataannya untuk dapat hidup, kita menghirup udara melalui sistem pernafasan yang Allah miliki. Dan Allah memberikannya GRATIS!
Kalaupun kita harus bayar semua Nikmat yang Allah berikan kepada kita (berupa jantung, mata, tangan, kaki, akal, dll), tidak akan ada satu makhluk pun di dunia ini yg sanggup membayarnya dengan hitungan uang. Semua yang ada pada kita adalah milik Allah, jadi wajar kalau kita harus membayarnya. Wallahu a'lam bi ash-shawab..

Hanya saja, karena kasih sayang-Nya kepada kita, maka Allah hanya memerintahkan shalat dhuha 2 rakaat, maka lunaslah semua hutang kita kepada Allah! Subhanallah...

Rasulullah bersabda:
Barang siapa melaksanakan shalat subuh secara berjamaah, kemudian dia duduk berdzikir kepada Allah SWT hingga terbit matahari kemudian dia melaksanakan shalat dhuha 2 rakaat, maka ia mendapat pahala seperti pahala haji & umroh secara SEMPURNA!

Membiasakan shalat dhuha 2 rakaat saja, niscaya Allah menghapuskan dosa kita sekalipun dosa kita sebanyak buih di lautan.

Rasulullah juga pernah bersabda:
Nanti pada hari kiamat, akan ada sebuah pintu di surga yang dinamakan "Pintu Dhuha".
Malaikat bertanya: "Mana yang ketika di dunia, ia membiasakan dhuha? Inilah pintu kalian, masuklah ke surga melalui pintu ini!"

Maka penting sekali bagi kita untuk mengawali aktivitas kita setiap harinya dengan shalat dhuha, minimal 2 rakaat.
Dari sedikit rangkuman di atas, semoga dapat menjadi pemantik kita untuk membiasakan shalat dhuha sebelum beraktivitas. Sebagai perwujudan rasa syukur atas segala nikmat & karunia yang telah Allah berikan kepada kita. Amin...
Mari kita membiasakan untuk shalat dhuha secara rutin, agar Allah SWT memberikan berkah-Nya kepada kehidupan kita.
Sebenarnya masih banyak lagi fadilah shalat dhuha, yang bisa menjadi penyemangat untuk selalu rutin menjalankan shalat dhuha. Tetapi kita sambung di lain waktu ya. Semoga kita masih diberikan kesempatan untuk berbagi melalui tulisan ini. Insya Allah..

Alhamdulillahi Rabbil 'alamin
Wassalamu 'alaikum Warakhmatullahi Wabarakatuh..
Windha Mega

Abad ke 21 ini ditandai oleh semakin berkembangnya pendidikan yang seringkali diartikan sebagai era tumbuhnya bisnis baru. Banyak faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tumbuhnya pendidikan entrepreneurship di Amerika, Eropa dan banyak negara-negara lainnya. Namun alasan utama di sebagian besar negara adalah akibat resesi ekonomi serta banyaknya pengangguran terutama pada lulusan perguruan tinggi. Selain alasan tersebut, saat ini para pengambil keputusan di banyak negara mulai menyadari peranan nyata entrepreneurship terhadap perkembangan/pertumbuhan ekonomi terutama di kawasan regional. Tampaknya semua menyadari bahwa pertumbuhan bisnis baru adalah solusi terhadap laju pengangguran dan sebagai katalisator pertumbuhan ekonomi suatu negara yang membawa kemakmuran masyarakat. Oleh karena itu di berbagai negara, pemerintahnya berupaya dengan berbagai cara untuk memfasilitasi bertumbuh kembangnya entrepreneurship dan sebagai kata kunci berkembangnya entrepreneurship adalah pendidikan entrepreneurship (entrepreneurship education). Pendidikan dan pelatihan entrepreneurship inilah yang terus dikembangkan di perguruan tinggi dan berbagai lembaga pendidikan baik formal maupun informal karena telah menjadi semacam konsensus/kesepakatan bahwa pendidikan entrepreneurship akan menjadi pemeran utama pertumbuhan ekonomi suatu negara. Selanjutnya dari pendidikan entrepreneurship akan tumbuh instrumen-instrumen baru pertumbuhan ekonomi yaitu inkubator bisnis dan bisnis unit dimana pendidikan dan pelatihan dilaksanakan.

Walaupun spirit entrepreneurship telah tumbuh meluas dengan pesat di berbagai negara, namun informasi kurikulum dan metode pendidikan entrepreneurship sangat bervariasi yang berbeda satu dengan lainnya. Di bab ini akan disajikan bagaimana pendidikan entrepreneurship berkembang di Amerika, Eropa dan di Asia. Dari uraian ini diharapkan dapat memberi inspirasi bagaimana pendidikan entrepreneurship seharusnya di terapkan di UB khususnya dan di Indonesia pada umumnya.

Pendidikan entrepreneurship di Amerika tumbuh secara pesat di tahun 1950an dan awal 1960an yang dimotori oleh McClelland’s. Bertahun-tahun peranan pendidikan entrepreneurship menjadi penting dalam bisnis sampai akhirnya pemerintah Amerika pada awal tahun 1990an menyatakan bahwa pendidikan entrepreneurship menduduki peringkat ke 6 faktor utama dari 60 faktor yang direkomendasikan untuk memecahkan permasalahan dalam pengembangan usaha kecil dan menengah (UKM). Banyak pemahaman yang ada di Amerika utara tentang pendidikan entrepreneurship, namun pada prinsipnya pendidikan entrepreneurshi disana diarahkan untuk mendorong tumbuhnya kreasi bisnis yang indipenden. Dalam pertumbuhannya banyak perguruan tinggi yang menyelenggarakan kuliah pendidikan entrepreneurship, namun keberhasilan tertinggi diperoleh dari adanya kemampuan atau skill mengajar yang baik serta kesesuaian antara kebutuhan mahasiswa dengan teknik pembelajaran. Kesimpulan menarik lain yang diperoleh adalah bahwa entrepreneurship dapat dipelajari asalkan dengan metode pembelajaran yang baik. Disepakati oleh para pendidik bahwa pendidikan entrepreneurship adalah berbasis scientific yang akan mampu menumbuhkan seni (Artistic) dan kreativitas memulai entrepreneurship. Lebih lanjut bahkan di nyatakan kelompok yang telah menyelesaikan pendidikan entrepreneurship memiliki tingkat keberhasilan yang sangat nyata lebih baik bila dibandingkan dengan entrepreneur yang tanpa menjalani pendidikan entrepreneurship dalam berbisnis.

Keberhasilan pendidikan entrepreneurship tidak ditengarai oleh banyaknya individu/mahasiswa yang telah lulus pelatihan namun lebih diukur dari dampaknya terhadap sosial-ekonomi/socioeconomic dari usaha yang telah di kreasi/dibentuk. Isu dampak sosial ekonomi kemudian juga diperluas dengan banyaknya lapangan kerja, jumlah tenaga kerja yang dapat terserap, jumlah usaha dan jenis usaha serta potensinya bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi.

Walaupun tidak ada definisi yang tegas tentang tujuan pendidikan, namun dapat dirumuskan sebagai berikut:

1. Mengidentifikasi dan mempersiapkan potensi peserta (civitas academica) sebagai enterpreneurs/pengusaha untuk start-ups

2. Mempersiapkan partisipan (civitas academica) untuk membuat business plan/rencana bisnis untuk usaha baru (new venture)

3. Fokus pada isu kritis yang dibutuhkan guna proyek entrepreneurial misalnya penelitian pasar, finansial usaha, legal essue dll.

4. Memungkinkan berkembangnya secara berkelanjutan dan perilaku pengambilan resiko (risk-taking behavior)

Untuk mencapai itu semua, pendidikan entrepreneurship di Amerika dan juga di Eropa mengikuti pola pendidikan yang dimulai dari merancang struktur kurikulum mata kuliah entrepreneurship yang terdiri dari tujuan, isi, metode pendekatan dan deliveri kuliahnya yang kesemuanya harus mempertimbangkan kebutuhan partisipan pendidikan entrepreneurship. Keefektifan pendidikan entrepreneurship akan ditentukan oleh potensi pertumbuhan pendidikan entrepreneurship yang mempertimbangkan etika dan perspektif terkini pendidikan tersebut.

Pendidikan entrepreneurship yang dilakukan di Asia sedikit berbeda dalam aspek apa yang dilakukan di Amerika dan Eropa. Perbedaan tersebut bersumber pada kultur yang berbeda. Asia lebih memiliki kultur yang lebih bersifat kekeluargaan dan lebih kearah family business sedangkan di Amerika dan Eropa lebih bersifat individual atau sebagai corporate. Karena pertimbangan tersebut maka model pendidikan entrepreneurship di Asia kemungkinan akan lebih tepat untuk diterapkan di Indonesia dengan minimum penyesuaian.

Windha Mega
Spiritual intelligence to make intellectual and emotional intelligence is more effective in people. Spiritual intelligence levels starting from the value and meaning for ourselves, for others, as well as valuable to God (through prayer). Spiritual intelligence levels starting from the value and meaning for Ourselves, for others, as well as valuable to God (through prayer). This statement was made at the same time educational experts Yogya business practitioners Dr M Suyanto MM, at a national seminar Membangkitan Spiritualism Spirit Education Indonesia, Se-nin (17/12), in the Main Courtroom Rectorate UNY. This statement was made at the same time educational experts Dr. Yogya business practitioners MM M Suyanto, at a national seminar Membangkitan Spiritualism Spirit Education Indonesia, Se-nin (17/12), in the Main Courtroom UNY Rectorate.

The seminar was held Student Executive Body (BEM) Faculty of Social and Economic (FISE) UNY, which supported this SKH People's Sovereignty, also brings speakers and Ary Ginanjar Agustian Kasubdit Workforce Directorate Program Quality Improvement Directorate of Education and Manpower Ministry of Education, Dr Abi Sujak. The seminar was held Student Executive Body (BEM) Faculty of Social and Economic (FISE) UNY, which supported this SKH People's Sovereignty, also brings speakers and Ary Ginanjar Kasubdit Agustian Directorate Workforce Quality Improvement Program Directorate of Education and Manpower Ministry of Education, Dr Abi Sujak. According to the Chairman of this Amikom STMIK, spiritual intelligence, or sometimes termed Abdun intelligence, the intelligence to deal with and solve problems of meaning and value. According to the Chairman of this Amikom STMIK, spiritual intelligence, or sometimes termed Abdun intelligence, the intelligence to deal with and solve problems of meaning and value. That is the intelligence to put the behavior and life of a leader in the broader context of meaning and rich. That is the intelligence to put the behavior and life of a leader in the broader context of meaning and rich. In addition, the intelligence to assess the action or way of life a person has a meaning than others. In addition, the intelligence to assess the action or way of life a person has a meaning than others. "Spiritual values in general, of which truth, honesty, modesty, caring, cooperation, freedom, peace, love, understanding and so forth," said Suyanto. "Spiritual values in general, of which truth, honesty, Modesty, caring, cooperation, freedom, peace, love, understanding and so forth," said Suyanto. Furthermore, directors and commissioners of these companies to explain intelligence or intelligence is often called the Children of Adam, is used to solve problems and strategic logic. Furthermore, directors and Commissioners of these companies to explain intelligence or intelligence is often called the Children of Adam, is used to solve problems and strategic logic. Psychologists distinguish human beings in varying degrees known as the intelligence quotient (IQ). Psychologists Distinguished human beings in varying degrees known as the intelligence quotient (IQ). The higher the IQ the higher the intelligence. The higher the IQ the higher the intelligence.
> tukar

Windha Mega
Failure is a label that often we associate with an action that did not work and so applied, the label is making us say that is not capable. This decreases our enthusiasm to become a successful person. By the time we were little, failure has no meaning, because we do not have the concept of "failure". If we have the concept of failure, then we will not be able to speak, will not be able to write and not be able to walk. Because to speak, write and walk to the failure of countless. Likewise in the business world can also mimic our failure in childhood and we can learn from the failures.

Coca-Cola had failed in the first year sales. Sales conducted by placing the Coca-Cola in the beverage in the pharmacy and 73.96 dollars spent to promote through banner ads and coupons. Failure to make Coca-Cola create awareness of other media, the mass media has more power when compared to other media and promote Coca-Cola with the atmosphere of joy.

Matsushita to produce for the first time is a plug adapter. This adapter has actually proposed to the previous employer but did not receive a response. To create this product, along with four companions Matsushita took four months. After this product so no one was going to buy this product.

In 1993, Compaq which at the time as leader of the PC sales market, put through a price cut to compete with Dell. The result of Dell Computer loses 65 million dollars in the first six months, which caused nearly bankrupt. Dell learned from this failure. He tried to find other ways to sell computers. Finally, Dell made a very fundamental change in business process reengineering called. in business with the introduction of E-Commerce. In 1999, Dell can sell 1.7 million dollars per day on the website E-Commercnya. Dell shares rose 2000 percent in two years. Dell can compete with world class companies such as IBM, Compaq, HP, and Bell-Nec. Even the market share and profits continue to rise and eventually became the largest PC seller in the world.

When I started the business with friends, sayapun repeated failure again. I started with the failure of a Salesman Book, telex Salesman by phone, and car salesmen pengkilap materials. Primagama who only got 2 students in this campaign has done a fairly intense. CV. Wijaya, the company that serves the car care services that eventually die. Similarly, business start computer education center "IMKI", just get AMIKOM 3 students and trusted by only 6 students. I'm with my friends trying to learn from failure, then make corrections and try to improve to achieve success
*) M.Suyanto Ketua STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta,
Windha Mega
Company wants its customers loyal. Loyalty is a state of mind, a subjective concept and the concept is best defined by the customers themselves. Aspects of customer loyalty that is often overlooked and rarely measured is the emotional relationship between a loyal customer with the company. Customers who have a true loyalty to feel the emotional bond with the company. Loyal Customers say that the growing feeling when doing business with the company that makes them continue to do business with the company. Emotional bond is what makes customers become loyal and encourage business and give recommendations.

The importance of emotional ties, then the company should focus on how they treat customers and how to foster positive feelings in customers. Creating positive emotions and feelings is the main thing is to do business. The lack of positive emotions make repeat sales to be only a mechanical activity, the usual behavior that makes the customer there is no real reason to stay and continue to do business with the company.

True customer loyalty can not be created without an emotional connection. Loyalty is evidence of emotional buying behavior transforms into a relationship again. If the customer does not feel any love or closeness to the company, the relationship between the customer and the company does not have the characteristic. Customers themselves know and be able to tell the emotional attachment between them and the company or between them and the individual company.

If it has loyal customers, usually in their hearts they will call, for example, fruit store where shoppers will be referred to as store my people. Supermarket where shopping is Supermarketku. Elektronikku store, shoe store and so on. The experience also taught my family so. My family had a fruit shop that we always loyal to buy in the store, the store is located in IB Road Ground. Every time I come often, the owner handed me an orange sweet to me, saying "This is sweet sir". I am greeted with a smile, I thank you. That is opening the door of communication that is the beginning of the creation of an emotional relationship. "Mr. KR tulisanan in Arms titled my piece of business. This I put on my desk "fruit shop owner said that he showed my writing is posted on his desk. "This is my practice lo sir" he said. "Good luck" I said. "Thank you sir. Pak Yanto today to lecture where? If there is a lecture today, I want to come sir. I want to listen to his lecture, "asked the store owner. However giving an orange, my writing is used and practiced and wanted to follow my lectures to make an emotional connection with the fruit shop owner with a well established and touched my heart. "The key to success for many companies lies in transforming the relationship into the relationship of behavior that characterized positive emotions" said James G. Barnes in his book Secrets of Customer Relationship Management.
Windha Mega
According to Peter F. Drucker, leadership despite no connection culture (culture) is carried by the community it serves. Cultures were even featured as an integral part in the overall leadership, the kind commonly known as a frame style (style), so there are terms of leadership style or leadership style Japanese Chinese or Western style of leadership and so on.
Leadership served a mission for the institution they serve, operate based on cultural and leadership activities serve to develop any productive work and making manjadi to perform each job, do it based on breath, spirit and soul of culture. In managing the social impact and social responsibility, the existence and activities of the institution they serve, leaders do in the understanding of the culture.

In East and Southeast Asia, perhaps we can not hesitate to talk about Japanese culture, Korean culture, Chinese culture and the culture of Indonesia in addition to cultures of other, more local and regional nature. Indonesian culture, which according to Ki Hajar Dewantara is the culmination of all the regional culture, which then interact with each other and to adapt gradually dissolve into a single personality. Leadership style taught Ki Hajar Dewantara, 'Tulodho Sung Ngarso Ing, Ing Madyo Karso Mangun, Tut Wuri Handayani', ie in front should be an example, in the middle must be supported and must follow behind, is one of the foundation's leadership style with Indonesian culture .
We also know Hasta Brata leadership style, which has the leadership qualities of the sun, moon, stars, wind, fire, clouds, oceans and earth. Leaders who have the qualities of the sun, should be able to provide a burning passion and power of spirit to his men.
Leaders with the nature of the moon, must be interesting, given the beauty of working atmosphere, and association, as well as making light appears dark.
Leaders who have the star qualities, must be able to provide the right direction for the way an organization or institution. Leaders also must have the nature of wind. He must be able to communicate well, able to motivate and to fill the gap with the expression of his soothing words, not just criticize. Leaders with the nature of fire, may be firm, without discrimination action against the guilty without hesitation. The nature of clouds has a strong authority, respected and loved by the people. Leaders must also possess the oceans and earth. That leader should be able to accommodate all the problems, remain patient and calm in providing solutions. He also had to stand firm and strong position, but be ready also to hear any feedback to be taken into consideration.
History proves that the storm time and age, not able to change the basic joints culture. Namely the belief in Essence, the Most High, Creator and togetherness in the context of mutual cooperation. Thus the sociological, cultural archetype of leadership is the leadership community Indonesia.
Rasulullah SAW said "Verily God created Adam with eight kids nature. Four characteristics of Heaven to experts, the sweet face, eloquent verbal, a pure heart and hands that provide assistance, and four properties to the denizens of Hell, a grim-faced people, cruel words, a hard heart, hands that do not want membantuî . Morality based leader with a sweet face, eloquent verbal, a pure heart and hands that provide assistance Leadership Style is Heaven.
*) M Suyanto, Ketua STMIK Amikom.
Windha Mega
By M. Suyanto

Expert strategy, Gary Hamel surveyed 500 CEOs were asked about, "Who is the most widely taken advantage of the changing business environment in the industry last 10 years; Are newcomers, traditional competitors or your own company?" Answer number one is the "new arrivals" .

They were then asked "Does the newcomer managed to win the competition with faster action, or can change the rules of the game?" Some 62% of CEOs said that "new entrants change the rules of the game". But the CEO of the old saying "our problem is the execution" or even worse is the "strategy was easy, the difficult impementasinya".

This statement is supported by Bill Gates, that "Microsoft is always two years away from failure". What Bill Gates is said to show that competition at this moment to make a product life cycle shrinking, as well as life cycle is getting shorter strategy. Thus the concept of any business, even outside biasapun which will soon lose economic efficiency. The difference between a leader and imitators in the industry can no longer measured in decades or ten years, but already have in years or months. Currently no longer a strategy for a decade, but the strategy for the years that followed rotation faster competition.

Newcomers who have a new game rules, for example is Hotmail. Hotmail strategies to win millions of cyberspace surfers, with an e-mail free ad-supported website to place it in Hotmail. This is very different from those conducted by American On Line (AOL) at the first time reaching consumers, namely the large-scale through registration to the AOL disks. Greater funding and more capacity is not in AOL's not enough to win the competition with Hotmail. AOL only reached 18 million subscribers. While Hotmail from 0 to 10 million subscribers. In mid-1999, ballooned to 40 million and eventually Hotmail became the primary acquisition targets Microsoft.

Charles Schwab and Fidelity to change new game in the finance and banking sector is to assume that bank customers are not only customers but also investors. So what happened in the last decade, banks have lost almost half the market share of household financial assets seized by new players, such as Charles Schwab and Fidelity.

Said a CEO "Before, I spent most of the time about how-how we do it? How do we operate? How our efficiency?.

Now I spend more time thinking about what-what opportunities can be pursued? What alliances can be formed? What technology can support? What experiments should be started?

The main core is when the company has racked up the last 5% efficiency with how, then others will create what is new or create new game rules. That revolution strategy for victory in the era of competition in the last decade is full of difficulties.
Windha Mega
We can learn to be entrepreneurs from a woman named Ruth Handler. Ruth Handler to start the business came from a toy his son, in the form of paper dolls. When the doll fell and torn, her son crying. Ny-Handler then thought to make the doll a more permanent and ultimately realistic doll made of plastic.

This doll is a toy that children of the world's most successful. Barbie taken from the name of the daughter of Ruth Handler, which is Barbara Millicent Roberts. Ny. Handler is the wife of one of the founders of Mattel.

In modern management, the Barbie doll that can be long betahan is a strange thing. According to Ian Ritchie from the Oxford Group consultant who has worked with toy company Hasbro children, found the key lessons from the business of children's toys. Placing a child's toy to the market as quickly as possible is very important. Time required from an idea to plastered on the shelves of toy stores, children can be a difference between success and failure. In the marketing world doll timing must be absolutely right. To achieve success should follow the trend doll movies, books, stories, or the latest television series.

Barbie is a universal product and usually standardized. There are also a number of diverse costumes. More than 100 new costumes added each year. This dikeranakan, Barbie is a woman Renaisansi, successful career woman, a member of rock band and football world cup for women.

The next success was when he decided a male friend of Barbie, is Ken. Ken creation is actually an accident, but it produces the expansion of exceptional brands. Ken was introduced in 1961, who hid behind, possibly he was glad to see Barbie success in various aspects of life. Introduction Ken has laid the foundation for the entire set of extensions which maintain the Barbie brand remains the center of attention.

The next friend is Midge Barbie raised in 1963, then peremp uan sister Barbie, the skipper in 1964, followed in 1968, Christie's, a black friend. In 1988, Barbie had a confidant, a friend of Teresa and Hispanic. The next friend is Kira, a friend of Asia which was launched in 1992. Barbie baby sister Kelly and the smallest is Becky, who was in a wheelchair who was introduced in 1997. Now Barbie has an 15,000 combined with changing his clothes, his eyes, the color, but not to replace the leg.
Windha Mega
Positioning (positioning) according to the benefits of the product is positioned as a leader in a particular benefit. Benefits include manfat symbolic, functional benefits and benefits based on experience. Successful positioning requires communication strategies that can draw attention to one customer's needs, whether symbolic, functional and experimental.
Positioning is based on the benefits of symbolic positioning using attraction for someone to have the desire to possess objects of successful people. Symbolic benefits still apply in Indonesia, Mercy cars, BMW and Volvo mostly found in Indonesia, even Jaguar and Ferrari began to be found in the metropolis. Conversely, if the Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia which we find only the Proton or Perodua cars, very few cars as we temuai Mercy, BMW and Volvo. "Consumers who buy an expensive car to show success in a career. By buying an expensive car, which they obtained success can be seen by others "said one customer Mercy. Though really just a false success, but in Indonesia this sibol benefits many are still chasing him. BMW uses the slogan "The Ultimate Driving Machine".
Positioning is based on the functional benefits on the basis of positioning the functional benefits of these products. Bimoli cooking oil using functional benefits by using "cooking oil with the best quality with the content of omega-9". Benefits of omega 9 is said to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and the relative heat resistance. Similarly ProXL using functional positioning based on the slogan "Not Just Talk".
Positioning based on experimental determination of benefits based on the position in the customer experience using the product both appearance and comfort. Viva face powder using experimental based positioning. With the slogan "suitable for tropical skin". Most use Viva mother and brother because they use it. Youth group woke up not only alone but because of their compatibility with the skin or the convenience to use it. Viva is a local brand that could last more than 45 years of the onslaught of global brands with a wider variety of sharp competition. Viva remains the Top Brand of Indonesia to face powder category.
Windha Mega
Malcolm Gladwell titled in his book Blink, describes a successful car salesman. The person named Bob Golomb. The Director of Flemington Nissan dealership selling the usual black suit with a conservative model so cursory as a bank manager or stockbroker. Since jump into the car business for more than a decade, Golomb has sold an average car about twenty cars per month, which is more than twice the average sales of other car sellers. On his desk, Golomb displaying five gold stars given by the company as a reward for performance.

Golomb secrets of success are three: first, give attention to the customer. Second, pay attention to the customer. Third, pay attention to the customer. If you buy a car to Bob Golomb, he will call you the next day, make sure that everything was fine.

If you come to the shop but have not bought anything, he will call the next day, just to say thank you for visiting. "You should always show the best facial expressions, even when your own bad experiences. You forget the past your problems. Even if the situation at home was not fun, you should still give the best to your customers "said Bob Golomb.

Last secret of Golomb is he does not judge people by appearances. He assumes that anyone who came into the room pamernya have exactly the same opportunity to buy a car. "You should not misjudge the business people" he said over and over again. "Bad thought tantamount to suicide. You should seek the best for each person. A seller who is still green when I see a prospective buyer might say: This guy is impossible to be able to buy a car. In this case the worst mistake a seller, because sometimes just the opposite. I have a farmer customers, who over the years has purchased a variety of cars from me.

We just made a deal with a handshake, then give me a hundred-dollar bills, saying: Take me to the village. We do not even have to write a letter ordering. Now, if you see this person, with a stained dress farmers cow dung, you might think he could not afford a car. And in fact he was actually able to pay with cash. Or sometimes when that comes into the showroom a teenager, you may not take it seriously. In fact, the teens at night may be returned with his mother and father, to decide on the purchase of a car "said Bob Golomb.
Windha Mega
Strategy to compete on a very tight competition can lead to "a sea of blood" for companies that compete or fight it. This strategy disebur as Bloody or Red Ocean Strategy. W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne claim that Red Ocean Strategy is no longer effective to create growth and profits in the future. They both propose a new strategy called the Blue Ocean Strategy. The difference between Red Ocean Strategy and Blue Ocean Strategy, among others, in responding to the market, competition, demand, values and strategy.
Red Ocean Strategy considers that it is competitive to compete in existing market space, while the Blue Ocean Strategy, considers that the competitive market is to create a space that no opponent. A very broad market bagaiakan "blue ocean". Because the vast market, companies can choose at will the market. Red Ocean Strategy using the concept to be able to grow and profit by beating competitors in the competition. Blue Ocean Strategy using the concept by making the competition does not exist.
Because the competition does not exist, then firms compete only with himself without another company. The company would have won the competition without opponents. Red Ocean Strategy exploit existing demand for all-out. Blue Ocean Strategy to create and capture new demand. Red Ocean Strategy to achieve excellence create value, then the Blue Ocean Strategy to achieve excellence without the need to create value. Red Ocean Strategy together with the overall system of corporate activities by choosing a strategy of differentiation or overall cost leadership strategy (low cost strategy), while the Blue Ocean Strategy together with the overall system of the company's activities in implementing the strategy of differentiation and overall cost leadership strategy in concert same. Blue Ocean Strategy myangkut two aspects. First, how to find and develop the blue ocean. To find and develop the blue ocean, by launching a comprehensive new industry like eBay doing auctions on the Internet and perform more general by extending the boundaries created by idustri red ocean. Second, how to exploit and protect blue ocean.
Competition is to kill and kill others (red ocean strategy) should be replaced with no rivalry or competition without having to kill (blue ocean strategy), thus it becomes a beautiful business. "Therefore, we set (a law) for the Children of Israel, that he who kills one, not because the man (kill) another person, or for mischief in the land, then as if he had killed all mankind; . And if any one saved a life, it is as if he saved the life of all mankind ... .. (Al-Maidah verse 32).
Windha Mega
According to Peter F. Drucker, the foundation of effective leadership is thinking about the vision and mission of the organization, define, and enforce a clear and real. Leaders set goals, determine priorities, and establish and monitor standards.

Meanwhile, according to Tony Buzan in his book The Power of Spiritual intelligence, vision is defined as the capacity to think or plan for the future wisely and imaginatively, using a mental picture of the situation can and may occur in the future. Company's vision is a desire that is the ideal company to be carefully formulated, which determine the direction or future circumstances. The researchers saw the vision as being important for leadership, strategy implementation and change (Doz & Prahalad, 1987; Hunt, 1991; Kotter, 1990; Robbins & Duncan, 1988; Sashkin, 1988).

Thus the vision is the starting point of fact the next day a company. True vision is a very powerful idea that can make the early leap into the future by combining all the resources to realize the vision. Vision true charm and causing others to make a commitment, generate energy and enthusiasm, able to create meaning for the life of the company, able to create a standard that can be used to measure the success of the company, can be used outsiders (customers) to measure the benefits of her company, became The main bridge between what companies do now with what the company wants in the future, is a major prerequisite for the strategic moment, and is the basis for formulating the company's mission. Intel has a vision to encourage continuous innovation boundaries in order to make people's lives more exciting, more fulfilled and easier to manage. Intel's strong commitment to move the technology forward towards the transformation of the world have been made by leaps and bound. Intel is a company that is always on the move, burning, making an industry that never breaks. Intel inspire partners to develop innovative products and services, mobilizing to support the industry can provide solutions with better solutions collectively by providing greater benefits and more quickly.

Bill Gates in the early days of Microsoft, has a vision of "A computer on every desk in every home, running Microsoft device". So when Bill Gates created the MS-DOS, it makes the Windows operating system as well as home use window (window) that causes Bill Gates became the world's richest entrepreneurs. It is not really true that only Bill Gates alone is responsible for placing PCs in offices and in homes around the world, but Bill Gates has a vision to see what is possible and the desire to turn that vision into reality.

Thomas Watson Sr.. company renamed Computing Tabulating Recording Company to International Business Machines (IBM), although not yet operate at internationally, but Thomas Watson had a vision that the company later became the company that operates internationally. When Watson called the International Business Machines (IBM) a lot of people when it was ridicule. Some even say that Watson gave the name of exaggerating the company. But now IBM is a modern company and its managers become role models to suit a white shirt, plain tie, the spirit of extraordinary selling. In 2003 this IBM Computer Company was selected as the most amazing world of Fortune magazine.

Jeff Bezos is the founder of, which was originally just a book store .. Why is he named his company with Amazon?. Because "the Amazon River is the largest river in the world" said Jeff Bezos. What about the river Nile?. River Nile is the longest river in the world, when compared with the Amazon River water volume is only a tributary of the Amazon. Amazon River contains 20% of the world clean water, then had Jeff Bezos about his company would become the company that controls 20% of the world market. to open the E-Commernya site in July 1995, starting from the bookstore and then extended to the compact disk (CD) and then to the auction and now thousands of different products and different vendors. In the year 1996 to sell 15.7 million dollars and increased to 600 million dollars in 1998. reported on November 1 until December 23, 2002, consumers who do order in the world 56 million items to become the best online store in 2002 version of Yahoo magazine.

John F. Welch, Jr. (former CEO) of General Electric said: "We use three operating principles for setting the atmosphere and attitudes at General Electric: no borders in all our behavior, speed in everything we do and stretch in every goal we set" . Behavior without borders unite the twelve major global businesses, each number one or number two in the market, into a vast laboratory produkutamanya a new idea, along with a general commitment to disseminate throughout the company. Speed is something not usually found in the company of General Electric, but at General Electric in the form of speed product development, design re-cycle (from order to delivery), set back the ability to reduce plant and equipment investment. Stretching means using dreams to set goals that exceed the targets set.